I officially have the honor of losing the first Acheron's Awakening PvP battle. Granted, I was double-teamed. I guess that's what I get for picking a fight with someone in a group...

This screenshot was taken immediately after Lufia and Cable Monkey killed me. Good times.

Haha. Awesome. :)
I've managed to maintain a fine tradition of losing at my own games over the years. It's good to see someone else is carrying the flag as well! ;-)
Haha crispy.
"I've managed to maintain a fine tradition of losing at my own games over the years. It's good to see someone else is carrying the flag as well! ;-)"

What, are you somehow suggesting theres programmers that ARE good at their own games ? :/
It would appear so. I'm not going to lose a round in NvD though <_<
Holy cow, a developer actually testing a game? What's next, a manual in readable English?

Seriously, though, I think its great what you are doing with AA! I hope it is fantastically successful.
Seriously, though, I think its great what you are doing with AA! I hope it is fantastically successful.

Thank you, I appreciate that! I've put a ton of work into this, so I hope that people like it.

And I agree Crispy... you should see the travesty that is me playing Proelium. Strangely enough though I'm actually pretty good at your "Yet Another Generic Space Age Conquest Game".
The biggest issue I have with AA so far is the graphics. I realize that you are going for that cartoony look, and they are meant to be simple, but something about them gets me. I think it is the scale on which the game is compared to the graphics just doesn't match up.

This will probably change with time or I will grow to love them. Either way, keep up the good work.
People seem to be divided on the graphics. I personally like them because they give the game its own unique style. Granted, I'm one of the people who loved the Zelda: Wind Waker graphics, so go figure.

The nice thing is that no one is really playing BYOND games for the graphics. Plus, I'd rather have the graphics be a bit less than perfect than recycle someone else's better looking icons.
Silk, I agree. I absolutely LOVED Wind Waker's graphics. It gave it a sense of being in a comic book. And, unfortunetly, I do look for graphics in games. "Final Fantasy - The Hunting Grounds" would be much more successful with better graphics. I will drop it for AA, because AA just looks so...awesome. Anyway, my point is, some people do look for graphics.
I like the graphics; they're something new and something other people don't try.
Silk, I will seriously give you road head to release this before july.
I ended up dropping FF:THG for its ultimately unfriendly gaming experience. The community is like any other, but they put so much emphasis on partying (nigh-impossible to solo) that it even put some groups at a disadvantage as well. It suffers from "You'll need THIS and THIS or you won't do well" and ultimately made playing the game feel like a chore. :/

But hey, it made the game difficult! All games should be difficult!
I dropped FF:THG because of two reasons. I got banned(on purpose) And I was so tired of the uptight admins. "Don't use caps, don't be racist." I mean they might as well be telling me. DONT BREATHE! I like being in a party, but the thing I don't like is being forced to act perfect. I ate bancakes for it.
Danial.Beta, actually I think the graphics fit perfectly with the game.

Silkwizard, as you post screenshots you keep giving me more excuse to play the game... I am really looking forward to its releasment!
What's that snake on the bottom for? Which one dealt the final blow, Lufia or Cable Monkey?
Seriously, road head. Release.
Seriously, road head. Release.

Dude, stfu Germinfestedman.
"Don't use caps, don't be racist." I mean they might as well be telling me. DONT BREATHE!

Ahahaha... Sorry bub, but I think you'll find that to be somewhat normal in any game moderated by sane people.

Whatever happened to you turning over a new leaf, anyway?
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