
Wildrogue<----MADE BY---->Javster

Please comment,and tell me what one you like better.
The second, definately.
The second one
First one. text on the second is too ugly IMO.
The first one, it has the original feel to it -- the fanart in the second one makes it feel generic.
While the second one looks nice, is it original or a blend with someone else's work? I'm not pointing fingers. It just looks like that kind of art.

I'd like the second [Edit: Doh, I mean first.] one better if the character was not as transparent. It's so faint that it looks like a solid pink rectangle with some stuff shoved into the bottom.

I like the title text.
first one
The second one.
I'd say the first one too. :)
First. That fits with the rest of the CSS.
I can draw you a larger version of your Bomberman character pretty easily, and make a nice looking blog icon if you'd like. The first one seems too faded and the second one is.... so very typical
I'll take a number 2, too many byond symbols hanging around...
the second one makes you seem hotter and we all know thats not true so go with the first one xD

lol im horrible

you know i heart you =]