Problem description:
Why does Byond still look for its old window counter parts in the skin when i have deleted them?
winset: Element mainwindow.mainvsplit not found.
winset: Element rpane.browseb not found.
winget: Element rpane.infob not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.textb not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.infob not found.
winget: Element rpane.browseb not found.
winset: Element rpane.textb not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element mainwindow.mainvsplit not found.
winset: Element rpane.infob not found.
winget: Element rpane.browseb not found.
winset: Element rpane.infob not found.
winset: Element rpane.textb not found.
winset: Element rpane.infob not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element rpane.rpanewindow not found.
winset: Element mainwindow.mainvsplit not found.
and there is no winsets or wingets in my actual code.
So i have deleted the original windows and redid the main window but when i start up the game the program is still looking for the other old panes and there is nothing (that i can find) in the main window is calling for them.
Dec 17 2007, 8:32 am (Edited on Dec 17 2007, 11:43 am)
Dec 17 2007, 10:52 am
Are you using winset() or winget() in your code, checking for the deleted stuff?
In response to Kaiochao2536
I didn't program anything in specifically looking for those windows. Is there something preset in the code that looks for them?
I already tried searching through all of them for anything .win related |
In response to Newen
I fixed my problem with some help from Lummox JR :D |