please help me my email is [email protected]
i rly rly rly need help
Dec 27 2007, 7:41 pm
In response to GhostAnime
Ok in my game i made the turf but when i compile it with 0 errors and 0 warnings then login the the game screens just blank and no im not crazy -_-
In response to Nyckz
The compiler isn't psychic. There's no way for it to know that you didn't want to do that. The compiler catching no errors means there was nothing SYNTACTICALLY wrong with what you wrote, in the same way that "The moon is made from cheese" is a syntactically correct statement, the actual statement itself is obviously wrong in a way that your word processor can't catch.
In order to fix problems, though, generally you need to provide code. However, I'd be willing to bet five dollars that what's wrong is that you change mob/Login(), but forgot to put the line ..() in it somewhere. As mob/Login() by default places your mob on the map, and the line ..() runs the default action of the procedure (the actual term is "calling the parent"), that should solve your problem. Of course, that's just a shot in the dark. |
In response to Garthor
Login() spawn() if(isBan(src)) return if(src.key in Admin) src.verbs+=typesof(/mob/Admin/proc/) src.choose_character() ..() Logout() if(src.ingame) if(src.Dualing=="Yes") view(src)<<"- Duel: [src.Opponent] has defeated [src]" End2(src.Opponent,src) // src.Save() var/list/I=new/list() for(var/mob/player/p in world) if(p.ingame)I+=p info(src,I,"left the world.") del(src) ..() |
Well, I am assuming you mean that kind of help, since LACK OF INFORMATION can be quite... confusing.