ok i have my login started
var/charactername = input
switch(input("Below pick one of the following classes you wish for your character to be.","Character Class?") in list("Knight"
character = new /mob/player/Kight/Knight
is the problem i cant seem to get it to work and sry for not putting it in the dm thingy dont know how
and the file of the guy is Knight.dmi
plz!!! help me im having trouble with the path finding!!!!
Jan 11 2008, 12:38 am (Edited on Jan 11 2008, 1:05 am)
Jan 11 2008, 5:17 am
In response to Max Omega
In response to Opop1
omg!!! im still getting inconsistant errors
In response to Opop1
Ctrl+T to view your tabs, Use tabs to indent instead of spaces. When you copy code from The forums it will be in spaces so replace them with tabs.
In response to Max Omega
ok cool thanks man u was alot of help