I figured that I'd post this here too. =)
In this contest, the goal is to design a professional video trailer that advertises Eternia: Prologue in a positive light. Even if this is something that you've not done before, it's relatively easy and an enjoyable learning experience.
The contest ends on: 30th December
What You'll Need + Tips
*A decent screen recorder -- such as Camtasia Studio or Fraps. Keep in mind that the resolution is especially important, because YouTube will skewer the pixel quality otherwise. [b]640x360[/b] looked the best for me, so make sure your recording resolution is set to that.
*Video editing software - Google brings up plenty of free and useful tools.
*Background music - If you're using your own, make sure it's free for commerical use. I've uploaded some of the stuff Eternia uses here, which could definitely work in your video: http://puu.sh/5t65Q.zip
*A YouTube account -- you'll need to upload it there and post the link for review.
Ideally, the video shouldn't be longer than two minutes, but there's no set time. Even if it's 30 seconds, that's okay.
You'll also only want to record the actual game, probably - this means excluding things like the chat box.
What could be covered - suggestions:
-- it's role-play mandatory / designed for role-players
-- the game-play is fast, engaging, and action-packed
-- constantly growing / warm, close-knit community
-- the website is http://www.pixel-realms.net
If you need gear / abilities to spice up the video, don't hesitate to contact me via the pager (Writing A New One). Include the key/s and I'll beef up your character.
First place --
$30 sent via PayPal
A 1 year subscription to BYOND
A lifetime subscription to Eternia
3 million Crowns of in-game cash
Second place --
$20 sent via PayPal
6 month subscription to BYOND
A lifetime subscription to Eternia
3 million Crowns of in-game cash
Third place --
$10 sent via PayPal
3 month subscription to BYOND
A lifetime subscription to Eternia
3 million Crowns of in-game cash
All submissions!
A 30 day subscription to Eternia
Event Nov 24 2013, 10:00 pm
to Dec 29 2013, 10:00 pm ID:1429955 ![]() Nov 25 2013, 9:54 am (Edited on Nov 25 2013, 10:15 am)
![]() Nov 25 2013, 11:10 am
What does a subscription to Eternia entitle exactly?
It's not worth anything at all unless you have an invested interest in the game. This contest is mainly aimed at Eternia players, but I figured I'd post it here too -- because learning how to do these kinds of things is somewhat essential if you're making a game. And a lot of the potential contestants have probably never attempted this before.
Maybe I'll switch it to 'all entries receive a 60 day BYOND subscription'... |
Ah okay, maybe a silly question but have you tried marketing the game on Twitter? I have started to with Alternate Worlds and already had a couple of offers from people outside of BYOND asking if they could write articles for the game or do video reviews on YouTube.
I've never played eternia before but this could be fun. Would I get banned for not roleplaying while working on this?
Boxcar wrote:
I've never played eternia before but this could be fun. Would I get banned for not roleplaying while working on this? You wouldn't. Make sure to page me beforehand so I can set your character up. And it'd probably be best to take footage when the server is low pop (right now, due to a lack of optimized code, the game can barely handle 60 people). This is usually early in the morning, 7PM Central or so. Alternatively, I could probably distribute local copies of the game, to avoid the lag that comes with multi-player. |
I might be interested this if we can get around Boxcars point; and the lag would be good to void too.
I'll try an enter if I can find a good video editor by the time the contest is done.
Here is what I was able to come up with, it turned out to be a bit longer than I was hoping for. This was a fun video to make since it had a bit more action than my last screen capture/video attempt.
Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llCkm95dc58 Special thanks to all of the players who unknowingly were being recorded! :) Good luck to everyone else who gives this a shot! |
This trailer looks like a piece of garbage the text is horrible it makes me want to play it less. If it was made for roleplayers why the fuck are you fighting a huge dragon looks like PVE to me. |
Is there any general source for lore information that you have? If not, do you think you could message me a pretty good synopsis of the current arc for Eternia? I assume it has SOME kind of plot, right?
Those frames x-x I know it's not the video, but the game itself.
As for the video itself, I feel it could've had a bit more action and show off more of the game instead of people just standing around and moving around the world while invisible. Like maybe talking to some npcs, looting some chests, just a little extra. The fight with the dragon at the end was a good example, but it was only one example, if that makes any sense. |
Is that the actual story to this game? Or something you came up with on the spot. It's pretty cheesy...
The majority of the story that I used for the trailer came from this forum post (Scroll down about 3/4 of the page to the section marked as "In-Game Lore"(Which I assume is what the story currently is, its the page that is linked to when joining the game)).
While little of it is taken word for word, I did try to accurately paraphrase the story in what would fit nicely in eight frames. I did consider going out with it Star Wars style, but I liked this better. |