I've opened up Dream Maker and I'm staring at a lot of blank space. I wonder if this feeling of being lost is normal when starting a project for the first time. Regardless, I poke around and hit File, New Environment.
Keeping in mind that I'm making a rip, I have to make sure I don't use my own material, and that all starts with the name. I had difficulty thinking up just the right thing, so I opened the Byond Bwiki page and looked around for something that might be catchy. I found it in the NewbieQuestions page.
I've got my name. Now what do I do? Well, first I'm going to need to create a verb so players can talk to each other. For that, I open one of Zilal's tutorials for action/RPG games. First I have to select "New Environment" and type in a name. Hey, I've already done that, so I skip down until part II. Zilal says to put in a comment, using a // to tell Dream Maker that it's just a comment.
//This is a test world created by <your name> on <today's date>.
Yeah, I'm not even going to bother putting in my own name or date. I skip down again and find part III, Code that Does Stuff (Verbs). Wow, a Say verb! Copy, paste, and now I have one too. Zilal goes into some detail about how verbs require mobs (mobile players). He says a verb can be assigned to a turf as well, but a mob would be required to invoke it anyway. I take this to mean that if you're in "range" of the turf that it'll pop up in your verb list, only to disappear once you step away. Then he points out that the word "verb" is tabbed over, attributing it to "mob". I guess this means that the specific "Say" verb is inherited by every mob that exists in the game. Inheritances are nice, except if you do something bad like try to murder the one with the fortune but get caught by a young and idealistic police recruit who uses your arrest to impress his tough but caring chief and the cold-as-ice but incredibly well-chested female assistant, with whom he plans to woo into dinner at a fancy yet generic restaurant.
I lost my place. Anyway, there was a IIIa, IIIb and IIIc but I skipped over that because I was too busy poisoning my rich uncle's soup. Oh, Zilal wants me to compile. Okay!
loading Best Tutorials For a.dme
saving Best Tutorials For a.dmb
Best Tutorials For a.dmb - 0 errors, 0 warnings
Sweet. Next up is part IV of the tutorial. Icons! Zilal wastes no time in hopping over to the next portion of Dream Maker, but he expects me to do too much here. Make my own grass? No thanks. Instead, I just went to the Byond forums and cut a 32x32 tile from the background. Nobody will ever know.
WHAT??? Now he wants me to make my own person icon. I've never been good at drawing people so I'll just rip again!
Poor Byond logo. I torture it so much. I needed a blue one too so I snatched the one I saw back on the journals. Now I have to tell Dream Maker that the icon is going to be used in the game. Fortunately, Zilal was kind enough to provide the very source I needed.
Next up is him talking about how we can make a particular icon the default tile, kinda like how when you open up RPG Maker for the first time and you've got water all over the place, even though you never added it.
Coming up next for part 2, map-making!