del M
spawn for()
new/mob/enemy in (src.loc)

Problem description:
I am trying to make it so enemies spawn in this area (maker) deleter works fine. nothing really happens in the maker area

wouldnt the 'deleter' delete you,such as a boot does?

In response to Jacksanto
yea any way i can change it to the monster only? and how do i get the area to spawn the mobs?
In response to Nategrant
Well, assuming that you've got monsters as a separate path type from the other mobs, use typesof() to check is M is a monster.
You're not creating the enemy correctly. It should be like this:

new mob/enemy(src)

But that might not be right either: that will create the enemy in the lowest-left available turf of the area.
In response to Garthor
THANK YOU GARTHOR it works in one swuare but when i put more then 1 of the "areas" down they dont work only the first one :P figures. any1 know how i could get all of them to work?? and the exact code for the /mob/enemy only deleter.
what about an If statement?
In response to Jacksanto
how would u make an if statement for a area spawn??
In response to Pyro_dragons
mabey u could put the code in because idk what u meen im still kinda noob but i have gotten as far as a points system a shooting fire command (a little shoot the monster, only move forward arcade game)
In response to Nategrant
Best solution would be to make it an obj, instead of an area. Then, you'd have to change the creation to new(src.loc) instead of new(src).
In response to Nategrant
i ment for delete.... i hit reply to wrong post

if its a enemy
In response to Garthor
just a little confused... why wouldn't it work with area?? isn't that like half of areas use?
In response to Nategrant
It could work, but it'd be more trouble than it's worth. An no, that's not what areas are for. Areas are for when you need... areas. Not spawn points.