New(id as num)
world << "A new thing with ID: [id]"
world << "A new thing with random ID: [rand(100)]"
Problem description:
Begin Useless Background:
I must admit, I've been away from DM for a long time. So, I'm quite out of practice. With 4.0 and a few other changes, I've decided to come back and explore it as an alternative for one of my projects. However, I have ran in to a problem with overloading.
End Useless Background:
Is there a way to do this in DM? Whenever I make a new object it always calls the last New proc and not the one that correlates to the args. I realize that doing this wouldn't be to hard with if statements and stuff, just that defeats the purpose of why I am doing it.
You're wanting to make two objects one with an ID set by the user and another with a random ID, then you'd be looking to do something like this:
And you should be using the parent in your obj/New().