Problem description:The problem is whenever anyone joins the server they get gm verbs and i dont understand how is this happening.
can anybody tell me how to take these gm verbs from the usr when they join server.
i tried usr.verbs -= typesof(/mob/...)
but even this isnt working
Jan 31 2008, 1:24 am
In response to Jholder84
yea i noticerd that i forgot yo type
if(src.key == yourkey || src.key == someoneskey) i rather typed this if(src.key == yourkey || someoneskey) so here where was the problem arosed. i noticed that b4 read this app. thnx anyways. |
You have to perform a check, to make sure the user isn't supposed to be an admin when they log in. Something like this:
mob/Login() |
When making your verbs instead of mob/user/verb they should be client/user/verb or client/GM/verb. Then the easy way to only allow certain GMs is to code in their key.
With that code you can guarantee that only the keys you code in will get GM verbs.