Problem description:

I was just looking through the Dream Tutor selection, and i happened to come across a small section that i believe was mean to be in
 tags, but was left unattended.

The article in reference is
'Dream Tutor: Learn to Love Associative Lists'

The area in question is -

Here's a sample of how the updated code will look:

if("Withdraw") var/money = accounts[M.client.ckey] // for simplicity if(!money) M << "You have no money in this bank." return var/amt = input(M,\ "You have $[money] in your account. How much would \ you like to withdraw?", , money) as null|num amt = round(amt,1) // no decimals! if(amt <= 0) return if(amt > money) amt = money // you have to use the list here, not the money var accounts[M.client.ckey] -= amt += amt // use the list here too, because "money" still has the old amount M << "You withdrew $[amt]. You now have $[accounts[M.client.ckey]] \ in the bank."

I just wanted you to know so it preserves the professionalism of the article Lummox JR.