usr<<"[usr]: Raton-Sword Assasination Technique"



view(1)<<"[] was hit for [stunned]."

THat is just one part here is the other

name="Raton Sword Assasination Technique"

Problem description:

ok so i am working with a code that was a source made by masterdan. And i have encvountered a very comfusing situatuon. The source code game with attacks and stuff but only the attacks make damage and the jutsus dont. so how do i mak it so thats when i use a jutsu there will be damage to the npc?? i am really stuck here.
You delete what you have and start from scratch like everybody who knows what they're doing has done.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
You delete what you have and start from scratch like everybody who knows what they're doing has done.

To put it nicer, you should first learn how to code a simple attack proc. I would suggest looking at some of the tutorials first. From their build your own code to do what you want. It is rather difficult (even for intermediate BYOND coders) to start half way through code and make it do what they want. Start from scratch. Not only will you better understand the process of coding, it makes it easier for you to ask for help. What you have shown here (the code specifically) doesn't point to where the problem is.
Don't use someone elses source. First of all, the programming probably isn't very good, and second you wont learn anything. Also, why would you make another Naruto game? This is a serious question. If you haven't noticed, there are 100's of Naruto games, and from the ones I've seen, they are all awful. You would be doing yourself, and the byond community a favor by creating an original idea, and programming yourself.Let me ask you a question; Why would your game stand out from the 1000 other naruto/bleach/dbz games listed in the hub?
I don't like people who rip Masterdan, Capiche? And you don't want me not liking you!
In response to Iuss
I odnt rip masterdan i just have a source code he made.
In response to 123Azul321
123Azul321 wrote:
I odnt rip masterdan i just have a source code he made.

XD funniest thing I've ever heard!!

One question: Do you know what "rip" means?
In response to Kaiochao
Using another games source code is called ripping. It's frowned upon(hated, in fact) in the community and you really won't get alot of help from people when you use ripped code.
In response to Pyro_dragons
i would like to say just one thing its not the kind of sourec code you think it is you noob. i may be a noob myself but when i say source code i mean like a code with just the basics... as in he put in an attack verb he threw in an npc and 2 jutsus. just a cade you would get from a code tutorial. but its better seeming to it that it was made by masterdan. capiche. its not even like GOA i hate GOA no offence to masterdan it is a good game with all due respect to graphics, icons, gfx,etc... but i hate GOA i just hate it. i dont like the idea of it so i wouldnt rip it even if i was given the current code to it.capiche that.
ON the other hand my game is like no other on byond it will be a great gama and youll see that its not ripped and that it is nothing like masterdans or GOA.