   switch(M.alert("Would you like to Train with me?",,"Yes","No"))
del usr
usr << "You have second thoughts."

Problem description:
when i am using this verb on the player its ask me if i want to train and not the player i am using the verb on him

As with any proc, you should look it up in the DM Reference before you use it.
switch(input(M,"Would you like to Train with me?") in list ("Yes","No"))
del usr
usr << "You have second thoughts."

that should work

In response to Pirata Inmortal
i want it as alert :S
In response to Ami425
should not it be - alert(M??
In response to Pirata Inmortal
how to do that?
            M.switch(alert("Would you like to Train with me?",,"Yes","No"))

switch(alertM.("Would you like to Train with me?",,"Yes","No"))

or nothin from this two
In response to Ami425
just use wat i posted
alert() is global, so it has no attached type. The best way to do this specific situation would be:
if(alert("Would you like to train with me", null, "Yes", "No") == "Yes")) del usr
else usr << "You have second thoughts."
   switch(alert(M,"Would you like to Train with me?",,"Yes","No"))
del usr
usr << "You have second thoughts."

Why not use it this way? I don't get it...