for(var/N as obj|mob in view(src))
switch(alert("Internal or External beaming?",,"Internal","External"))
switch(input("Beam them/it where?") in list("The Bridge","The Armoury","Outside"))
if("The Bridge")

Problem description:

This is the code for the control panel of a ship in my game, what im trying to do is select a mob or and obj in view of the panel and basicly, re-locate it to where i select. Right now it relocates the control panel's src, i know its because its just loc=locate(), but ive tryed to fix it sooo many times and ways. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The thing i really want is, i want to DblClick() it, select a mob/obj from a list (i cant get a list to appear) select a location from another list and the mob/obj is moved there without question.

var/atom/movable/selection = input("A") as obj|mob in oview(src)
In response to Garthor
Thank You very much, works great now ^^