
it is saying

Welcome BYOND! (4.0 Beta Version 411.976)
Logging in...connected
Connecting to file://C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\newtry\newtry.dmb...connected
runtime error: Cannot modify
proc name: Login (/mob/create_character/Login)
usr: Opop1 (/mob/create_character)
src: Opop1 (/mob/create_character)
call stack:
Opop1 (/mob/create_character): Login()
Show your program.
In response to Keeth
client/base_num_characters_allowed = 3

mob = /mob/create_character

var/charactername = input("Hello, Pick a name for your character, something you wish for people to call you in the game.","Character Name?")
switch(input("Below pick one of the following backgrounds you wish for your character to be. It determines what skills you get in the game.","Character Background?") in list("dragoon","Dwarf","Knight"))
if ("Warrior")
character = new /mob/You/dragoon()
if ("Cleric")
character = new /mob/You/mage()
if ("Magician")
character = new /mob/You/Knight() = charactername
src.client.mob = character
character.loc=locate (2,2,1)
world<<"[character] has logged in!"

[usr] has logged out!"
del usr



In response to Opop1
The problem is your switch statement.
The entries in the list and what you're looking for are all wrong.

I'm going to assume you just pulled this off of something though, since not only are the entries in the list wrong, the mob types are wrong too.

        switch(input("Below pick one of the following backgrounds you wish for your character to be. It determines what skills you get in the game.","Character Background?") in list("dragoon","Dwarf","Knight")) // the options are dragoon, Dwarf, and Knight
if ("Warrior") // not dragoon, Dwarf, or Knight
character = new /mob/You/dragoon()
if ("Cleric") // neither is this one
character = new /mob/You/mage()
if ("Magician") // or this one
character = new /mob/You/Knight()
In response to Keeth
yes u are correct but can it be fixed?
In response to Keeth
Keeth wrote:
The problem is your switch statement.
The entries in the list and what you're looking for are all wrong.

I'm going to assume you just pulled this off of something though, since not only are the entries in the list wrong, the mob types are wrong too.

>         switch(input("Below pick one of the following backgrounds you wish for your character to be. It determines what skills you get in the game.","Character Background?") in list("dragoon","Dwarf","Knight")) // the options are dragoon, Dwarf, and Knight
> if ("Warrior") // not dragoon, Dwarf, or Knight
> character = new /mob/You/dragoon()
> if ("Cleric") // neither is this one
> character = new /mob/You/mage()
> if ("Magician") // or this one
> character = new /mob/You/Knight()

opps only read 1 sec let me try this
In response to Opop1
            if ("dragoon")
character = new /mob/You/dragoon()
if ("Dwarf")
character = new /mob/You/mage()
if ("Knight")
character = new /mob/You/Knight()

This isn't what you want, but it'll make it work.
For example, Dwarf is making you a mage...

You'll have to fix that yourself.
In response to Keeth
ok thanks ver much