icon = 'NPCs.dmi'
icon_state = "Clothing"
name = "{NPC}Clothing Selling"
npc = 1
set category = "NPC's"
set src in oview(2)
switch(input("Yo sup, wanna buy some clothes?", text) in list ("Yes","No"))
switch(input("What do you want to buy?", text) in list ("Shirt","Pant","Urahara Hat","Mayuri Mask","Cape","Tousen Goggles","Urahara Clothing","Leather Jacket","Ninja Suit","Glasses","Sunglasses","Flower Cloak","School Uniform"))
var/K = new/obj/clothshirt
var/hairred = input("How much red do you want to put in it?") as num
var/hairblue = input("How much blue do you want to put in it?") as num
var/hairgreen = input("How much green do you want to put in it?") as num
K:icon += rgb(hairred,hairgreen,hairblue)
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
var/K = new/obj/clothpant
var/hairred = input("How much red do you want to put in it?") as num
var/hairblue = input("How much blue do you want to put in it?") as num
var/hairgreen = input("How much green do you want to put in it?") as num
K:icon += rgb(hairred,hairgreen,hairblue)
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
var/K = new/obj/cape
var/hairred = input("How much red do you want to put in it?") as num
var/hairblue = input("How much blue do you want to put in it?") as num
var/hairgreen = input("How much green do you want to put in it?") as num
K:icon += rgb(hairred,hairgreen,hairblue)
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("School Uniform")
var/K = new/obj/clothschooluniform
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Mayuri Mask")
var/K = new/obj/mayurimask
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Urahara Hat")
var/K = new/obj/clothuraharahat
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Urahara Clothing")
var/K = new/obj/uraharasuit
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
var/K = new/obj/glasses
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
var/K = new/obj/sunglasses
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Leather Jacket")
var/K = new/obj/leatherjacket
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Tousen Goggles")
var/K = new/obj/tousen
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Flower Cloak")
var/K = new/obj/flowercloak
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
if("Ninja Suit")
var/K = new/obj/ninja
K:loc = usr
usr << "<b>Have a nice day!"
Problem description:
hi i got a code and i want the stuff in the store to cost money from u...its free right now how doi make it charge you? my var for money is