but, thedarkchakra, think of all those bytes of database and server space you took up with your spam; and it didn't even affect the guy.
You shouldn't lower yourself to someone's level to combat them, that doesn't only make you as bad as they are, it makes you worse for even thinking that route was reasonable.
You should go above it, let the crap just slide right off and move on, trolls and the like feed on your reaction, if you don't react they just get bored and move on. It's a handy tactic that I've picked up from my 14 years floating around these and other forums and communities. |
Reacting though is not lowering to their level. I don't troll people if they did nothing to me. So I am still above their level.
I can't help reacting when people mess with me. |
Actually, you can help it. No idea who's trolling who, but you're probably going to get trolled again and again while you're reacting to it.
It'd be a lot easier if said trolls were just handled by those with power. I haven't seen anything but complaints about the BYOND engine and rude "constructive criticism" from them but hey that's totally not frowned upon here!
I think you should make something small and original. After you get used to actually making things and being at least a little bit creative, you can then try to make a big, complicated RPG. By then, you should have other sources of inspiration and your own collection of working ideas to tap into to make a good game that people won't consider to be an unoriginal fangame.
Not that I've made any games, or anything. |
I think I'll just make hxh for fun and for praise and then work on an original game next year.
It is a great excuse for spamming him after he spammed my site with hate and sexual contents for a month and even called my mother a whore.