um i made a kakashi npc 1st off i got no errors wen u talk to him it ask u if u wanna learn a sign if u click yes u get it if u click no u dont but theres another answer that says im hatake 2 but wen i click it he doesnt say anything heres the code plz help

name = "Kakashi"
icon = 'npcs.dmi'
icon_state = "Kakashi"
PK = 0
health = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
density = 1
set src in oview(1)
set category = "Kakashi"
switch(input("Here to train are we?","Kakashi") in list ("Yes","No", "I'm a Hatake too"))
usr<<"Good, now pay close attention."
usr<<"You have learned the Ox sign."
usr<<"You are more foolish then I originally thought."

if("I'm Hatake too!")
usr<<"Hello fellow Hatake, welcome to our house."
if(usr.rank == "Student")
if(usr.Hatake&&usr.Mnin >=5000&&usr.Mgen >= 5000)
usr << "Your sharingan has activated!!"
usr.verbs += new /mob/uchiha/verb/Sharingan()
usr<<"You need 5000 Nin&Gen to activate Sharingan."
if(usr.Hatake&&usr.Mnin >=40000&&usr.Mgen>=40000&&usr.kills>=1&&usr.Suses> ;=1)
usr << "You learned Mangekyou Sharingan!"
usr.verbs += new /mob/uchiha/verb/MangekyouPrep()
usr<<"You need 40000 Nin&Gen to activate Mangekyou."
usr<<"Lier dont make me warp you!"
<#dm> tags exist for a reason... -_-

remove the # and it'd work >.>
In response to Eternal Desire
Also, it's shameful to use ripped code, start with something original
In response to Eternal Desire
where do i put <#dm>
In response to MikeyM14
He's saying that, when posting code on the forum, you should put a <DM> tag before it and a </DM> tag after it, so that it is properly formatted.
In response to Eternal Desire
Use entities so you don't have to use ridiculous things like putting other symbols inside it. &lt; makes the left angle bracket (<) and &gt; makes the right angle bracket (>). Example: <dm>