NLS Map.dmp:2547:error: undefined map symbol: "a
Failed to load map file C:\Documents and Settings\james\Desktop\NPOAS\NLS Map.dmp.
Naruto Dattebayo.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
I keep getting that message, and when I try and goto the map it says :Due to compilation errors,the object tree cannot be trusted for map generation. These problems must be fixed before editting the map. What is happening and what do I do?
![]() Jul 1 2008, 2:16 pm
![]() Jul 1 2008, 2:30 pm
Your problem is that you somehow got an invalid DMM file. You're going to have to open up the file in a plaintext format in a text editor (something like Notepad will work) and manually edit the file.
lol i have the same problem. so umm could u tell me step by step on what to do plz? or message me my msn is [email protected] if you need to get in contact with me
I'll look for the error here if you can paste the contents of the map. Go to the map file, right-click it, and choose "Open With", and then choose a text editor (like Notepad), to open it with. Copy the contents of the map, as well as the error. Paste the map contents here, in <dm> tags, and paste the error message at the top (not in the tags).