NLS Map.dmp:2547:error: undefined map symbol: "a

Failed to load map file C:\Documents and Settings\james\Desktop\NPOAS\NLS Map.dmp.

Naruto Dattebayo.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

I keep getting that message, and when I try and goto the map it says :Due to compilation errors,the object tree cannot be trusted for map generation. These problems must be fixed before editting the map. What is happening and what do I do?

Your problem is that you somehow got an invalid DMM file. You're going to have to open up the file in a plaintext format in a text editor (something like Notepad will work) and manually edit the file.
In response to Popisfizzy
lol i have the same problem. so umm could u tell me step by step on what to do plz? or message me my msn is [email protected] if you need to get in contact with me
In response to Xspyhunter24
I'll look for the error here if you can paste the contents of the map. Go to the map file, right-click it, and choose "Open With", and then choose a text editor (like Notepad), to open it with. Copy the contents of the map, as well as the error. Paste the map contents here, in <dm> tags, and paste the error message at the top (not in the tags).
In response to Popisfizzy
It is easy. Open your file in notepad, go to line 2547 and delete "a". than save and run in DM ^^
In response to Popisfizzy
Considering it's at least 2500 lines long, I wouldn't request posting it here. Either only copying some 5 lines around (and including) the errored line, or uploading the file somewhere and linking.