You'll need some good roleplayers and a watertight set of rules to get the RP aspect of your game to stay afloat. One thing I just realized when I tried to host is that I was asking people not to kill anyone unless they had an RP reason.

I later found out that everyone trying to kill each other were, in their own eyes, roleplaying.

The problem is...they SUCK ASS at it. People tend to forget that they're supposed to roleplay qualified staff members in a government organization, not participants in a drunken bar fight at the Tavern of the Waning Moon.

At least you'll be creating logs. That will help you immensely, and I grieve over thinking that SS13 was remotely moderatable without them. Taking one person's word of another just won't fly.

Also, please don't hard-code special privileges for people who help the project. You're asking for dramabombs there, and I just went through that a couple of days ago. It sucks.
Justin Knight:

Why are you attempting to recreate SS13?

I don't mean to be a bitch, but weren't you someone who was trying to recreate Space Station 13? With, Deadly Waters?
Um, sugjestion, if it is a moon station, you should be able to go to the moon and collect rocks and stuff. maybe even have like vehicles that you can put like objects into it and go to like a teleporter that teleports all the objects to the station.
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