if(!density)return 1

Problem description:
Ok well I thought this would work but something is wrong. Basically when you enter anything that has a density of 1 you don't walk into it.... The point of this is being able to walk through other players but not mobs objs and turfs, It only seems to works with turfs though even though I made sure of defining the mobs density as 1
You could always do Bump() and when you bump, make it move them onto the player. That's another approach that you could take, there are other ways too, such as making that code work as well.
You don't enter another movable atom by standing on it. You enter an atom by standing on it (turfs, areas) but not a movable atom (objs, mobs). Plus, it's not good to mess with atom/Enter() anyway. It would be better to modify Bump() as shown below.

if(client && ismob(M) && M.client)
density = 0
density = 1
else ..()