I want a grid to create a skill list that includes the following things:
[Icon]Skill Name: Skill Level
I've tried the following things but none of them really work, so I'm asking for someone to assist me on getting a grid to work properly in the way I want.
Trial One:
src << output({"<font color = lime>
\icon[image('skillicons.dmi',"blade")]Blade: [src.blade]<br>
What Happens: Basically I get the icon Blade: 1. Problem is is that the icon is extremely tiny (Something like 8x8 or 12x12) and the text merges into the icon.
Trial Two:
src << output({"<font color = lime>
\icon[icon('skillicons.dmi',"blade")]Blade: [src.blade]<br>
What happens: In this one I get the same result as Trial One, for pretty obvious reasons in my opinion.
Trial Three:
var/obj/tempicon = new/obj/tempicon('skillicons.dmi',"blade","Blade:")
src << output({"<font color = lime>
\icon[tempicon]Blade: [src.blade]<br>
Note: /obj/tempicon is just a creation of an obj that has the first two things set its icon, and the third set its name.
What happens: In trial Three I get nothing in the form of an icon. If I remove the '\icon' I get Blade:Blade:. I thought that having the obj there added the obj's icon and then its name. That's how it works in statpanels at least, but these arent statpanels =P
Use your trial one and go in your grid, click on style and place this code,
that will enlarge the icons in the grid!