
Problem description:

Safety violation: tried to access 'bal.sav' outside of current directory.

What exactly does it meen? I'm not totally sure.
The host is running in a limited safe mode (to keep people from making games that delete files like the boot.cgf on windows)

in this case the game/app tryed to access a file called "bal.sav" that was not in the same folder as the game/app.
In response to Madpeter1231
So basically, if I created the game, there is no reason why I shouldnt trust the game?
In response to Fint
if you are the creater set the game to run in a less limited mode

im not sure if you can change the mode without hosting but
click on "host..." and change the Security to "Trusted"
In response to Fint
Actually, it'd be better to keep running it in safe unless you explicitly know you need it to run in a less restricted mode, to avoid 'accidents' and what not.
Does your game really need to access a savefile outside of its directory?
In response to Kaioken
Well I'm keeping it on "safe" at the moment just because of that accident thing.

The thing I don't understand is that any savefile in my game I created like

var/savefile/s = new("files/save/[ckey(key)].sav")

But it tried to create a savefile on my desktop before.
Which totally puzzled me :S

Down side is, it seems that if I get a "grant acces to file blabla" popup, nothing else in my game is able to load/save.
And if I'm asleep while getting a popup like that, that meens the game is pretty much down untill I wake up and allow acces or deny acces.
In response to Fint
Hmmm... are you sure the error says "tried to access outside of current directory"? Does that path exist, locally to the game's directory?
Maybe your game is just running in Ultra-safe mode, though the error should've been different in that case.

On a side note, you don't actually need to execute the ckey() proc to get the 'ckey form' of players' keys; mobs and clients have a ckey var with this value precomputed already.