icon ='void.dmi'
density = 1
layer = 999
usr.loc = locate(1,1,1)
var/Alias = input("","Alias") as text|null
if(length(Alias) < 2)
alert("Your Alias must be longer than 2 letters!")
if(length(Alias) > 20)
alert("Your Alias can not be longer then 20 letters!")
switch(input("Whats your Gender!",,"Male","Female"))
var/Chosen_Name = pick("Matsumi T. Kenkoi","Tensou G. Faultie","Aki T. Mikimaru","Terai F. Tenji","Senoi L. Rivers","Ching J. Kia","Kentaki A. Pow","Yatsuro O. Tenkai","Haou J. Terola","Xune Z.Watashi","Kentagi O. Forgery")
usr.Name = Chosen_Name
Chosen_Name = pick(NameList)
usr << "Your name is [Chosen_Name]"
var/Chosen_Name = pick("Riko T Kenkoi","Ayano L.Amane","Aoi N Teru","Ayane T. Tu","Ayumi N. Yagami","Kameko N. Li","Izumi F. Teil","Kimi A. Selia","Tenyou J. Kenya","Madoka H. Seniatu","Mai G. Tensa")
Chosen_Name = pick(NameList)
usr.Name = Chosen_Name
usr << "Your name is [Chosen_Name]"

Problem description:
it dosent show the name?
You're setting the Chosen_Name to pick from a list, then pick from another list(NameList). You don't need Chosen_Name = pick(NameList).
In response to Kaiochao
Ty works perfect now
In response to Suzyrex
Just for the sake of being pedantic...
var/Alias = input("","Alias") as text|null

It's nice to have something like "Enter your alias:" or something rather than just leaving the prompt blank...not a huge deal though.

alert("Your Alias must be longer than 2 letters!")

"Alias" isn't a proper noun and shouldn't be capitalized in these two prompts.


You don't have to enclose the proc in "[]", it returns text anyway...

switch(input("Whats your Gender!",,"Male","Female"))

Again, "gender" shouldn't be capitalized, and there should be a question mark rather than an exclamation.

It may just be me, but seeing randomly capitalized words in sentences drives me insane.