Well, I am trying to get back into DM again and am currently working on an icon trading game.

set hidden = 1
switch(input("What would you like to set your chat to?","Chat Set")in list("World","View","Emote","Whisper"))
winset(usr, "Main.input", "command=\"World \\\"\"")
winset(usr, "Main.input", "command=\"Say \\\"\"")
winset(usr, "Main.input", "command=\"Emote \\\"\"")
winset(usr, "Main.input", "command=\"Whisper \\\"\"")

var/msg = input("What would you like to say to the world?","WorldSay")as text|null
// ........

Problem description:
When I press the button and press World on the list, it doesn't appear on the input. There is no errors. I got the winset from the reference, since when I seen it I thought I may as well use the one it shows.
From the skin reference:

command "[verb]" Button, Input, Menu, Macro "" Command executed when the button, menu item, or macro is activated; or the default command for an Input control. If used for Input, this command is followed by whatever the user types in. For input controls, if your command starts with an exclamation point (!), everything after the ! is shown as a default prompt that may be cleared by the user.

Reading this, I'd guess the command won't show, but would be executed when you type something and hit enter?
However you defined World() to call input(). Did you try setting up WSay(msg as text) instead?

Just a guess though.