set src in view(0)
set category = "Ship"
if(usr.loc==locate("flight space"))
for(var/Ship/Deadalus/T in world)
window= /turf/hyperwindow
new window (T.loc)
Above is my verb to create the window
Problem description:
Yes the title probably mis-leads you as im really asking a very nooby simple question.
When creating my window, i want it to appear 2 tiles infront of the Daedalus (AKA, T). I currently have T.loc in place, because 1)it works lol, not how i want it to mind.. and 2) i cant think of anything XD. Anyway, 2 tiles infront of the daedalus, so i guess i would have to get it to define the direction its facing first, then create it.
OK, wrapping it up, help of anykind is always welcome.