RunSkill(choice, mob/A, mob/B)
var/T = copytext(choice,1,2)
var/T1 = copytext(choice,2,20)
T = uppertext(T)
T += T1
choice = lowertext(choice)
var/attack = text2path("/mob/proc/[choice]")

Problem description:
This is the code I use to call my skills, because I call skills using the name. So if you type punch, it would call mob/proc/punch(), but I wanna change it so I can set the skills as a proc under that skill, and then call it. Let me know if I'm not clear enough.
I do not know about others, but I didn't understand your intentions.
Mind to rephrase and elaborate?
In response to Schnitzelnagler
I'm using a parser, and i want it once you enter battle, you can type in an attack, and it plays the proc. Now I wanna make sure I can define the proc under a skill datum. Kinda like
//Skill proc is here.

And then in battle you type fireball and it calls the fireball's Use proc.