> while(!(Move(rand(1,world.maxx),rand(1,world.maxy),ZLEV)) sleep(0)
> //find a place to move the object, and move it there
Note: You can get such statements (while(),if()) to compile without anything actually indented under them by putting a semicolon after it. sleep(0), like an empty sleep() actually still always sleeps the proc for a certain time (see its Reference entry if you want more info), so it's not really a 'do nothing' kind-of statement. >_>
Just quit posting on here trying to correct me O.K. it's pointless..
Yes, I did help that other guy out I helped him out and gave him my contact information in case he had more problems, I have no problem in helping others with there errors, I know the forum is "Code Problems" as in people having problems coding..I like to help others with there coding when I have the time to. I don't care if they contact me asking for more help, if they need it I'll give it..
For you're information I learned how to code by people helping me code the same way I help others, you might not find it acceptable, but they'll learn from there mistakes and memorize the coding errors and know how to fix them in future problems.
One more thing, quit trying to be the smart guy here.
I don't see why you don't understand what I'm telling you; Let me say it in an orderly fashion; People learn how to code at there own pace, and they do it the way there accustomed to so they understand it, I try to help to the best of my abilities. I like helping people learn how to code. I have been teaching a lot of my friends how to code the same way I did and if you want to talk bad about my coding have fun, I code my way; the way I like to.