var/list/BannedWords = list("<font","<b")//etc, all the word to bann >_<

CheckSpam(msg as text)
msg=M // i also tried msg=copytext(msg,1,100)
for(var/A in BannedWords)
alert("Dont use HTML")
return 0
return 1

say(msg as text)
set hidden=1
world<<"[usr:nombre]: [msg]"

Problem description: well... im trying to make an spam-check system for the messages and i dont want users to use html or to write a too long message, the html one works fine, if i write the html tag at the start of the message (like
) but it doesnt work if i write it later (like
 "Hi!  this is red and your anti-spam system wont stop me" // THIS ISNT O_o
:P )

and the text lenght code just doesn't work, i can write thousands of lines and nothing...
so id like someone to help me a little...

oh and english isn't my main language so sorry if i say something without sense...

Frolik wrote:
> var/list/BannedWords = list("<font","<b")//etc, all the word to bann >_<
> mob/Player/proc
> CheckSpam(msg as text)
> if(length(msg)>=101)
> var/M=copytext(msg,1,100)
> msg=M // i also tried msg=copytext(msg,1,100)
> for(var/A in BannedWords)
> if(findtext(msg,A,1)==1)
> alert("Dont use HTML")
> return 0
> else
> return 1
> mob/Player
> verb
> say(msg as text)
> set hidden=1
> if(CheckSpam(msg)==0)
> return
> world<<"[usr:nombre]: [msg]"

Problem description: well... im trying to make an spam-check system for the messages and i dont want users to use html or to write a too long message, the html one works fine, if i write the html tag at the start of the message (like
"<font,color=red>Hi"// THIS IS BANNED
) but it doesnt work if i write it later (like
 "Hi! <font color=red> this is red and your anti-spam system wont stop me" // THIS ISNT O_o
:P )
and the text lenght code just doesn't work, i can write thousands of lines and nothing...
so id like someone to help me a little...

oh and english isn't my main language so sorry if i say something without sense...

Say(msg as text)
world << "[src]: [html_encode(msg)]"//one way to stop HTML from being used
for(var/s in HtmlWords)//another way

HtmlWords = list("<font","<b")
In response to Haywire
Haywire wrote:
Frolik wrote:
> > var/list/BannedWords = list("<font","<b")//etc, all the word to bann >_<
> >
> > mob/Player/proc
> > CheckSpam(msg as text)
> > if(length(msg)>=101)
> > var/M=copytext(msg,1,100)
> > msg=M // i also tried msg=copytext(msg,1,100)
> > for(var/A in BannedWords)
> > if(findtext(msg,A,1)==1)
> > alert("Dont use HTML")
> > return 0
> > else
> > return 1
> >
> >
> >
> > mob/Player
> > verb
> > say(msg as text)
> > set hidden=1
> > if(CheckSpam(msg)==0)
> > return
> > world<<"[usr:nombre]: [msg]"
> >

Problem description: well... im trying to make an spam-check system for the messages and i dont want users to use html or to write a too long message, the html one works fine, if i write the html tag at the start of the message (like
"<font,color=red>Hi"// THIS IS BANNED
) but it doesnt work if i write it later (like
 "Hi! <font color=red> this is red and your anti-spam system wont stop me" // THIS ISNT O_o
:P )
and the text lenght code just doesn't work, i can write thousands of lines and nothing...
so id like someone to help me a little...

oh and english isn't my main language so sorry if i say something without sense...

> mob
> verb
> Say(msg as text)
> world << "[src]: [html_encode(msg)]"//one way to stop HTML from being used
> for(var/s in HtmlWords)//another way
> if(findtext(msg,s))
> src << "HTML WAS ENTERED!"
> var
> list
> HtmlWords = list("<font","<b")

i dont wanna use html_encode cause if you write things like ">_>" it show "<_<" and people get confused...

and about the list thing.. isnt that exactly the same than the code im using right now?

for(var/s in HtmlWords)//another way
src << "HTML"

for(var/A in BannedWords)
alert("Dont use HTML")
return 0

I mean isn't that exactly the same?
In response to Frolik
Look at my findtext third parameter, and look at yours...
In response to Haywire
it's the same anyway

the default is 1 so setting it to 1 isn't gonna make anything, i just setted it to see if it worked that way... even when i knew it wasnt going to do anything
look up html_encode() In the DM Refrence(which can be done by pressing F1 in Dream Maker)

As for your copytext problem.

var/max_character_length = 300 // maximum chharacter length

if(length(msg) > max_character_length)
// cuts off the remaining characters while encoding the message to remove any HTML
return html_encode(copytext(msg, 1, max_character_length))
// if we aren't over the character limit, then return the HTML Encoded Message.
else return html_encode(msg)

WorldSay(msg as text)
world << "[]: [usr.CheckSpam(msg)]"
In response to Axerob
Your CheckSpam() verb is redundant, it could just be:
return html_encode(copytext(msg, 1, max_character_length)

Instead of the checks. He also stated earlier he didn't want html_encode.
var/list/legal_tags = list("b", "i", "u")

. = ""
previous = 1

start = findtext(string, "<", end + 1)
end = start && findtext(string, ">", start)

if(start && end)
var/tag = copytext(string, start + 1, end)
if(!(ckey(tag) in legal_tags))
. += copytext(string, previous, start) + "&lt;[tag]&gt;"
previous = end + 1

while(start && end)

. += copytext(string, previous)

That'll do what you want. Just pass the message though the sanitize_html() proc.
In response to Axerob
oh look like im confused...
because before, when i used html_encode(), "<" turned into
and ">" into
, that's why i didn't wanted to use it, but now the text just shows the "<" and ">", why it could be?

(when i say before i mean months ago, when i started coding, i left it for a while ;) )

if it's just gonna show the < and > simbols i can use html_encode sorry for the problem xD anyway i should use the system to bann another words

so this is my final code

var/list/PalabrasBanneadas = list("Word1","Word2","Word3")
for(var/A in PalabrasBanneadas)
alert("La palabra [A] no puede ser usada en el chat") // it means "The word [A] can't be used in chat" :P
if(length(msg) > end)
return html_encode(copytext(msg, 1, end))
else return html_encode(msg)

WorldSay(msg as text)
world << "[]: [usr:CheckSpam(msg)]"

i used the Axe code for a base and the idea from the Popis code and modifyed a little, and it works perfectly till now ^^
i ended using the html_encode because it works different than i remembered for some reason... maybe a byond update?

ok thx for everything, i still not pretty of why my original text-cutting thing did't work, cause the one im using now is almos the same than the other one, but i fixed the word-bann one and got a solution for html so thnx =)