Below is the code im having trouble with...
var/item_sell = href_list["sell"]
var/obj/i = item_sell //this line?
usr << "Pleasure Doing Business"
usr.wealth += i.value
del i
Below is the Html that the code above relates to...
for(var/obj/A in usr.contents)
html += {"
<font color=#C0C0C0><tr><td align = "center">[]</td><br>
<td align = "center">Value : [A.value] Credits</td>
<td align = "center"><a href='?src=\ref[usr];sell=[A.type];action=sell'>Sell!</a></td><br>
Problem description:
When run i get the runtime error:
"runtime error: Cannot read "/obj/Cloaks/Sodan_Cloak".value
proc name: Topic (/client/Topic)
usr: Tyr (/mob)
src: Gamer1 (/client)
call stack:
Gamer1 (/client): Topic("src=\[0x3000050];sell=/obj/Clo...", /list (/list), Tyr (/mob))"
When i try to sell my sodan cloak for example.
ive noted what line i believe the problem to be, maybe "i" isnt defined properly??? Anyway, ive tryed everything. Im not a professional -or even moderatly okay- at html so ive tryed a few things to no success.
Any help appreciated :D