verb/Dig() // This verb is in an obj
usr << usr.loc // This is a debug line, I was trying to see what came up when I checked usr.loc
if(/turf/grass == usr.loc)
usr << "You dig a hole."
var/turf/hole/Hole/H = new(usr.loc)
usr << "You get some dirt."
var/obj/items/Dirt/D = new(usr)
if(/turf/swamp_grass == usr.loc)
usr << "You dig a hole."
var/turf/hole/HoleS/H = new(usr.loc)
usr << "You get some dirt."
var/obj/items/Dirt/D = new(usr)
Problem description:
It won't dig anywhere. I click the Dig verb, but nothing happens, except it return the grass turf through the output.
You might want to look into a built-in function called istype().