Azusa RP Online

by Inutaishos
Azusa RP Online
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!
BYOND account: Shadow2002

In-Game: Kyajin

Age: 23

RP Experience: 7 years

Administrative Experience: 3 years admin on shinobi games and owner of 3 games my self

Time Zone: UK (England)

How Much Time Can I Devote?: everyday and almost all day

Why Do I Want An Admin: i want admin to help with the game or try and do events if i can, i love the game and want to see more of a palyerbase

What Can I Provide?: alot of funny moments and as much of my time as i can i bring alot of players to the game and im starting to be well known as i play the game more

What will i do with admin?: well nothing really just keep a eye on players and keep the game going good.

Time zone: UK england so im about 6 hours off from the rest of the players