Please vote on your favorite candy. I listed 15 'popular' candies choose from theM,then comment on your choices.<;
Here's the thing - it's only called 'candy' in the US.
Well pick your favorite "INSERT NAME HERE"
Wait,that was stupid. Im sure the candy name are diffrent too. =p
How dare you omit the best of them all?

The creamy nougat-filled Vex-Bar comes in a variety of delicious flavors, including MegaChoc, Cal-o-Crunch, and Peanutomi! This is the one candy that actually burns calories, meaning that for every bar you eat, your body burns approxamately 500 cals. It's also safe for people with allergies, as the specific peanut & milk substances used in the candy are not only harmless to you, they actually CURE you!

Vex-Bars, available at your local convenience store at a bargain price!
I like Twizzlers..
I like... those little gummy candy things with the red and black dots on them. Mmmmmm.
i lke frt gshurs n chclt pi lolz
Jolly ranchers :)
Pez. Because I get a toy and candy ^_^