Let's remember what's important in life. It's not about the money, it's not about happiness, it's about LIFTING.
This is a puzzle game where you lift boxes in pursuit of the "Grand Goal". There are only 4 buttons. Left, Right, Q, and W.
Left - Moves player left
Right - Moves player right
Q - Lifts box in front of you
W - Places box in front of you
1. You may only lift 1 box at a time
2. You may only lift a box if you can fit a box above your head
3. You may only scale a box if it has no box above it
4. Anything that falls off of a box, will fall to the lowest possible height.
![]() Nov 4 2013, 10:00 pm
Take all of his comments as suggestions and not a way of him telling you that you made a completely trashy game. I know it this would have hurt my feelings. *sniffles* lol. Time to try it out and see if I can beat it though!
I've yet to defy gravity. You're gonna have to tell me how you did that if you did. The slow gravity is intentional (it's actually .7 seconds) but if you'd like it to be faster, I can speed it up. I'm sorry that I'm not an art major, but I do assure you that there is a solution to every puzzle. And there is cake at the end.
This is by no means the final product, but I will probably implement your suggestions eventually. I just wanted player feedback on the concept. |
If you want feedback on the concept, you can do some research on BlockDude, which is a game played on TI-84 graphing calculators. BlockDude is a puzzle game with similar rules without clunky movement and animations hindering the player from solving puzzles at any speed, so it's pretty much pure concept.
You don't need to be an art major to draw a proper stick figure, spikes, and boxes. You also don't need to be an art major to know that a game's art has issues. On BYOND, games are rarely final products, so I didn't expect this one to be. I point out issues in every new game I try out in the hopes that the developer will fix them, but a lot of the time, they end up crying in a corner (which, incidentally, doesn't fix anything). ![]() You can pick up blocks beneath you if there's one to the side, or something. I'm currently not facing west (of course, there's no way to tell which way you're facing). |
I'm having trouble getting past this wall:
![]() There's no way to raise boxes to higher y-levels, only lower. That means building a ramp requires carrying all the previous blocks to the wall while keeping them at their initial height. |
That wall was supposed to be removed. It was to give myself a wall when I was self-testing. I've updated to the version that was supposed to go out. Sorry.
Hey, Lugia! Glad that there are more singleplayer games here on BYOND, but I hope you don't mind feedback.
There is one issue that I think need to be addressed: 1. A restart button. I'm not sure whether or not it was intentional, but in quite a few areas of the game, you're literally stuck if you messed up on the last part. If this was intentional, I think the game definitely needs a restart function, that way we don't have to relaunch the game through BYOND. 2.Better Level Design In case the issue above was not intentional, I think better level design would be also be an acceptable alternative to address the issue above. |
2. You can defy gravity by causing boxes (or yourself) to float.
3. Regarding Rule #3, you also can't scale a box if you're holding a box, so you can't actually lift anything.
4. There's no restart button (aside from the one in Options & Messages, but IMO players shouldn't be able to see it in a real game).
5. Movement is locked for a full second when you step off a block onto the ground or another block. Gravity is incredibly slow when falling off higher places. Bad physics engine?
6. The art could be better. BlockDude is more visually appealing.
7. I haven't been able to beat the game. :(
bonus: no audio
8. There's no way to tell what direction you're facing.
9. The window is resizable, but the map isn't anchored.
10. The status bar and the menu bar are unnecessary.
11. Falling seems to remove your ability to pick up crates on front of you. It's possible that you end up facing south after falling.
12. Falling doesn't look smooth due to the pauses between each tile. Proper glide_size could solve this, or just remove glide animations entirely.