icon = 'dshirt1.dmi'
usr.overlays += 'dshirt1.dmi'
usr.overlays += "dshirt1"
src.suffix = "Equipped"
when you wear the shirt, the overlay doesn't show.
Mar 21 2009, 3:17 pm
obj when you wear the shirt, the overlay doesn't show. |
Mar 21 2009, 3:38 pm
It's probably because you're adding a text string to the overlays; you cannot place text strings in the overlays list. This leads me to believe you do not know what you're doing. Add and subract the obj from the overlays as necessary, that way you can handle things better.
In response to Jeff8500
how bout this?:
obj Shirt icon = 'shirticon.dmi' verb Wear() usr.overlays += (/obj/Shirt) src.suffix = "Equipped" obj/Shirt icon='shirtbank.dmi' icon_state="shirt1" i just made it but it still doesn't work. any ideas? |
In response to XskyflakeX
You're adding a type, not an object. Add the actual obj (src) instead.