(See the best response by Ter13.)

Problem description:
I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the self cpu and total cpu usage for this proc? Maybe someone can help me through team-viewer or I can send them the code or something because it's pretty long. Honestly the total cpu for this proc according to the profiler is at like 2000 right now which I think is ridiculous considering no other proc is even close. Also it is not called that many times... Not even top ten.
did you check for infinite loops? Post the code(s) containing that proc.
Nobody's going to download that to take a look. Just post the code in DM tags.
lol its a really long code man. I would just be better to download that....
Best response
The fact that it's long is probably going to be why it's slow. (I'm not downloading a .dm file from elsewhere.) If you can't be bothered to pinpoint the problem, there's no point in anybody else even trying to help you.

Shorten it up. Problem solved.
lol. thats a smart alec answer. I guess I'll just remove the code itself...
How many atoms do you have? What work are you doing in Del()?

Post the relevant code in the body of the forum. I won't download a silly file manager in order to help you.