Death(mob) // assume Die() is a proc all mobs have
world.SetMedal("Kill noob", usr)
world.GetMedal("Kill noob", usr)
world<<"[usr] has just acheived the medal Kill NOOB"

Problem description:
ok my problem is im trying to make iyt auto so when u kill a rogue u get the medal does anyone know what i have done wrong?????
You're using usr in a proc that is called indirectly at my best guess. why don't you use the arguments to tell the proc who is the murderer?

And if I killed another rogue, no matter how many times, the same message will appear because you are not checking fi they already received that medal.

Why are you getting the medal where it is?
In response to GhostAnime
lol cus to be totally fair i only under stand a smidgne about medals i really didnt get the article as i could find nothing about auto medals so i had a dable no errors in code it just wont give achievement lul.
In response to Jakb2k7
Jakb2k7 wrote:
lol cus to be totally fair i only under stand a smidgne about medals i really didnt get the article as i could find nothing about auto medals so i had a dable no errors in code it just wont give achievement lul.

Can someone translate that into English or Spanish so I can actually read it? :)
In response to Spunky_Girl
Essentially he said he doesn't know anything about the medal system and couldn't get what the article about using the procedures to set and retrieve medals and scores was talking about (more likely he skimmed/skipped it though). He couldn't find anything about "auto medals", which I assume he means awarding medals for a specific thing, and he's trying the procedures shown in the article at random and hoping it works.

And when he compiled, no errors appeared but the program doesn't work (though notice how he didn't mention if there was no runtime error... and I wonder if he fixed the usr abuse... doubtful though)
In response to Spunky_Girl
lol my bad spunky_girl wat i meant to say was i really dont understand the medal system and yes i have read the article