runtime error: Cannot read 0.verbs
proc name: Death (/mob/proc/Death)
source file:,180
usr: 0
src: Gillian Menos (/mob/HIM/Hollow2)
call stack:
Gillian Menos (/mob/HIM/Hollow2): Death(Kira (/mob))
Bala (/obj/Bala): Bump(Gillian Menos (/mob/HIM/Hollow2))
Bala (/obj/Bala): Move(Ground (49,46,3) (/turf/HuchoMundo/part1), 2)

Problem description:

ok the code compiles with no errors and when u use a melee attack the mobs die but when i use a projectile based attack this error pop up in the client andy help would be great
Ok I went back through the code and took out the npc and the player dies now but the other NPC's wont die. Ill keep trying to get this to work but it would be really nice to get some help on this
You posted no code. But in short, from what I see, take usr out of your procs. usr does not belong there, and is null in the particular proc causing the runtime error.
In response to Wrath69
Do not abuse usr, learn to use src and sending arguments in procedures. ^_^
In response to GhostAnime
omg thanks guys I never would have thought that come to think of it i could have sworn that i removed that along time ago i was usin it to test something and i took that out but not the usr well anyways u 2 wer a big help