Dantom del Byondo continues his eastward-bound journey along the Washington/Oregon border. Postcard #3 reveals the next two legs of the trip:

Day 4: Maryhill, WA to Maryhill, WA
Day 5: Maryhill, WA to Umatilla, OR

(click to enlarge)

Day 4 threw us all for a loop with an unexpected injury (we'll have to get Tom to tell us the story when he returns to BYOND Central). The closest guess, at 48 miles, is Arlington, OR (Bdjewkes).

Day 5 gives us our first exact winner, also Bdjewkes. Nice job!

Current Standings
Name Full
Aaiko - 2
Gumshoe - 1
Bdjewkes 1 1

Next up: Postcard #4 covers days 6 and 7. This is starting to sound like an expedition that would make Thomas Jefferson proud!
Day 6, June 15th, 2006, Weston, OR.
Day 7, June 16th, 2006, Joseph, OR.
Day 6: June 15th, 2006 @ Dayton, WA
Day 7: June 16th, 2006 @ Lewiston, ID
Of course, I may be looking too far into some of the hints that were given.
One last thing with Day 2. Bingen, WA in Google Maps goes to The Dalles, WA, which would mean I was completely correct due to Google Maps (minus the state). But Bingen, WA is actually a lot further away (by White Salmon, WA), which might mean I wasn't correct at all. Might want to reinvestigate.
Rofl. I knew Tom was ghetto. "M. Heezy", Look at his ghetto writing.

He's going to Bunchiville, US.
Ok, there's definitely some conflicting data. Goldendale IS NOT Maryhill. Maryhill is the little town just south of that. Google Maps takes you to the nearest populate city, so it seems. Hence why searching for Bingen showed The Dalles, and Maryhill showed Goldendale.

It also explains a small problem I've had that Tom went north (to Goldendale, though he was actually at the intersection south) then going south and east towards Umatilla, though he really just continued east.

Mary Hill to Umatilla is 85 miles. Goldendale to Umatilla is 100 miles.
Tom said he went 85 miles.

Bingen IS NOT The Dalles (Which Google Map search shows)
Maryhill IS NOT Goldendale (Which Google Map search shows)
Guesses should be rechecked for their point validity.

(Credit to Aaiko for noticing these discrepencies)
Okay. After being thrown off for three hours from the picture in the third post card, I have made my final guesses.

Day 6, June 15th, 2006, Waitsburg, WA.
Day 7, June 16th, 2006, Clarkston, WA.

Google Maps are not reliable at all!
Wow, you guys are absolutely right. Google Maps is flat out WRONG in at least two of our recent destinations (Bingen and Maryhill). I just sent them detailed feedback about it. For now, I think I'll personally switch to using Yahoo Maps. I suggest everyone else do the same, as Google seems unreliable!

What kind of topsy-turvy world do we live in, where Google isn't the best at what they do? The mind boggles!
Everyone should also keep in mind that these map tools don't necessarily point to where in a town Tom is stopping. The map software will show you the center of a town, so if you then logic out the most likely place in that town where he is, you might have a better overall picture of where people are headed.

One more thought - don't dismiss Google map's satellite and hybrid functions!
Day 6: Walla Walla, WA
Day 7: Pomeroy, WA
6 = Mesa, WA
7 = Colfax, WA
Am I the only one that noticed that this card, which starts out "Pardon my legibility", is easier to read and any of the rest? <_<