Guild_War((mob/Guild_Leader/M in world))
set category = "Guild"
set name = "War"
if(usr==M){alert("You cannot Challenge yourself!");return}
if (M.guild_leader == 1){usr.challenge=1;M.challenged=1;world << "<b><font color = green><font face= Times New Roman><font size=2>War: [src.guild_name] has been challenged to a guild war by [M.guild_name]!"}
switch(alert(M,"Do you want to Go to War with [M.guild_name]?","Guild War","Yes","No"))
world<<"<b><font color = green>[usr.guild_name] Has declared war on [M.guild_name]"
M.loc = locate(228,8,25)
M.war = 1
M.challenged = 0
M.challenge = 0
usr.challenged = 0
usr.challenge = 0
usr.war = 1
src<<"<b>[M] has declined Going to war against [src.guild_name]"
else alert("You can't Challenge that","Error")
Problem description:loading SM64.dme
loading skin.dmf
Guild expression
SM64.dmb - 1 error, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
Also, instead of having the possibility of the user challenging himself, or someone not a guild_leader, why don't you just make your own list using for()?
Also2, you're not resetting your vars on decline.