verbs += typesof(/mob/admin_commands/verb) //The DM F1 Guide
usr.verbs+=typesof(/mob/Party/verb) //My code.

Problem description:
I was just wondering why it gave me an error saying that the compile failed and there was a possible cross-reference loop even though I did exactly the same thing as the DM F1 Guide and how I should fix it.

Keep in mind that I do have a /mob/Party/verb type, I'm not that forgetful.
According to a recent post, the cross-reference loop error comes from having the verb's path in the verb. The way to fix this is to use the verb in an override instead of where it's defined.
mob/Party/verb //verb declarations

mob/Party //verb overrides
m.verbs += typesof(/mob/Party/verb)

Ungh. <font size=+1>Search</font> for prior topics and solutions before posting a new help topic (this sentence probably won't have any effect due to the... circumstances, but at least I tried). The particular thread in question Kaiochao spoke of that involved this problem is even still on the front page (of How-To). Read it for the better solution (Kaiochao could probably use rereading it as well).