Map.dmm:34:error: expected a constant
Map.dmm:34:error: expected )

Problem description:

Alright well I was mapping and I decided to compile, after I did so I got these two errors. They caused the map to not be able to open because the 'object tree cannot be trusted for map generation'. I have no clue what the problem is, all I did was add some more turfs before I compiled, nothing big - and even if it was those turfs that caused this, I can't load the map to remove them.
Any help would be great, thanks.
It's map editor bug. Your map got bugged. Open your map in notepad and check line 34, it might need ) at the end of it
In response to Ripiz
Alright, I opend it in notepad, and I'm not sure whats wrong with line 34.. this is it:

"aE" = (/turf/LouliEarth/Wall1,/turf/LouliEarth/Server,/area)
In response to Systemlordlouli
Systemlordlouli wrote:
Alright, I opend it in notepad, and I'm not sure whats wrong with line 34.. this is it:

"aE" = (/turf/LouliEarth/Wall1,/turf/LouliEarth/Server,/area)

Bah sorry I counted wrong, this is line 34:

"aF" = (/turf/LouliEarth/Floor1,/turf/LouliEarth/Floor3{tag = "icon-Floor3 (EAST)"; icon_state = "Floor3"; dir = 4},/area)
In response to Systemlordlouli
Generally, the line before is actually the issue. Post that one too.
In response to Garthor
He counted too short. The line that begins with aE is the one before aF. I even verified it by opening up my own map file in notepad.
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
Generally, the line before is actually the issue. Post that one too.

"aD" = (/turf/LouliEarth/Wall6,/turf/LouliEarth/Wall11,/turf/ LouliEarth/CardSwipe,/area)
"aE" = (/turf/LouliEarth/Wall1,/turf/LouliEarth/Server,/area)
"aF" = (/turf/LouliEarth/Floor1,/turf/LouliEarth/Floor3{tag = "icon-Floor3 (EAST)"; icon_state = "Floor3"; dir = 4},/area)
In response to Systemlordlouli
In the "aD" line there's a space between / and area, which shouldn't be there. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong.