mob/verb/Sub_Give(mob/M in world)
set category = "GM"
world << "[usr] has made [M] a subscriber!"
M.verbs += /mob/Subscriber/verb/FontColor
M.verbs += /mob/Subscriber/verb/ChangeIcon
M.verbs += /mob/Subscriber/verb/ChangeIconState
M.verbs += /mob/Subscriber/verb/ChangeName
Problem description:
Is there an easier way to code the CheckPassport Proc?I could not find a way to do it as a proc so i ended up coding it as a GM verb.But once i thought about how i would give people the sub,and it would be complicated because i would have to keep track of the subs and know how long they were for and then take it away once that times comes.I was wondering if the CheckPassport() can find the subscribers from my hub and add the sub commands for as long as i put the sub to last on the HUB.