usr<<"Welcome to Dart Tag BYOND."
world<<"[src] has logged in."
switch(input("What team would you like?", "Red", "Blue", text)in list("Red" , "Blue"))
usr<<"You have joined the red team."
usr<<"You have joined the blue team."

Problem description:
Ok so when i compile i get no errors but when i log in nothing happens except it says welcome and says i logged in,Any help?=/

It does exactly what you told it to do, so not really astonishing ;)

If you're out for the default behaviour of mob.Login() [e.g. placing the mob on the map], then you should call it.
The format of input is "input(Usr=usr,Message,Title,Default) as Type in List"

You have given 4 arguments, so it is probably assuming the first is for Usr. If this is the case, it likely is doing something that you just aren't noticing: giving you a bad client runtime error.

This is in addition to what Schnitzelnagler said, assuming you don't have something else in place to do that which is not apparent from your post.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Replace the Login code with this, and then try.
src<<"Welcome to Dart Tag BYOND."
world<<"[src] has logged in."
var/team = input("What team would you like to join?","Team Selection")in list("Red","Blue") // Your format with switch(input()) was all wrong, so use this instead.
switch(team) // and we have to use the var "team" for something, or else we'd come up with a warning.
src<<"You have joined the red team."
src.Red = 1
else if("Blue")
src<<"You have joined the blue team."
src.Blue = 1

I'm not the best at explaining these kinds of things, but I know what I'm doing. (most of the time anyways. :) )
In response to Stereo
First of all, why would you reply to me?
I have no issue that needs to be resolved here.

Then, why did you reiterate what others said by dashing next to exactly the same code snippet already provided at the OP?
In response to Stereo
You don't really need to use switch() for only two different situations/outcomes though