. = ..()
if(fexists(0)) = input("Choose a name for your character.",
"Your Name",
usr.gender = input("Select a gender for your character.",
"Your Gender",
usr.gender) in list("male","female","neuter")
usr.icon = input("Select an icon for your character.",
"Your Icon",
usr.icon) in list('human.dmi','wizard.dmi','barbarian.dmi')
usr.desc = input("Set a description for your character.",
"Your Description",
usr.icon = input("Choose your character's skin color.",
"Your Skin Color",
usr.icon) in list('black.dmi','brown.dmi','tan.dmi','caucasian.dmi','white.dmi')

Problem description: It says there is inconsistent indentation on all of the usr. tabs but I don't see the problem.

Whenever you want to continue a line of code down to the next line, you have to use "\" to tell the compiler the code continues on the next line.

For example:
//For a single line comment,
usually it won't affect the next line.

//Ironically, you can bypass this \
by using "\" at the end of the above line.

The same basically goes with everything else. Make sure when you're dealing with "," (in lists or proc arguments) that the "\" goes after the ",".


var/list/Stuff=list(1 \

//The above two will not compile, but the following one will.

var/list/Stuff=list(1, \
In response to Mega fart cannon
Mega fart cannon wrote:
Whenever you want to continue a line of code down to the next line, you have to use "\" to tell the compiler the code continues on the next line.

Not in this case. In this case, the indentation is simply inconsistent.
In response to Garthor
Ah, well... extra information is always good. :)
Ctrl+T in Dream Maker to show tabs
I notice several of your lines of code aren't being consistent. You need to CTRL+T so you can see if you actually lined things up right. In this case, you didn't.
In response to Mega fart cannon
Okay, I got it. I clicked ctrl + T and fixed it.