
by Kidpaddle45
A way to share your knowledge with other BYONDers.
Update: BetaV.1.1

Beta version is finally here!

-Re-designed the interface a little tiny bit.

-Increased world FPS so all the animations run smooth.

-Included my Interface library (That you should check out) so everything fits with the interface and no more boring alerts/switch pop ups.

-Added a few Teacher's commands so they have more control over their class. I also had teachers that left or that needed to go AFK in the middle of their class, so now they can let someone else take the control of their dreambox if they want to.

-Fixed "Close game" bug.

-Changed the Lobby.

-Added Schedules (Incomplete)

-Last but not least, I've added the new BYOND proc,vars and args to the database (which shows up suggestions that you can click to auto-complete your code)
Update: BetaV.1.2
Added Schedules: You can now view planned schedules and create events without leaving the tool.

Very nice. (going through these quickly :P.) Hopefully will get a chance to check this out in person, and perhaps use to learn some tidbits from some of the more knowledgeable/experienced users on Byond... hmm, yeah.. this seems like it'd work nicely for that. :D Nice one kidpaddle.
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