(See the best response by Stephen001.)
I think there's an issue with setting the preload_rsc variable to a link so that players download the resources needed from there instead of the server. Before making a bug report I wanted to make sure if it happens to anyone else and see if I messed up somewhere instead. The file is currently uploaded to my byond files. The reason I don't think the players are downloading the resources from the link is because I've had people log on for me and download the resources before checking the counter on how many downloads the file has. The number stays at 0 meaning no one has downloaded it yet so I'm wondering if preload_rsc being set to a link is broken. Anyone else having this problem?
Best response
For the benefit of future generations, what was the problem in the end?
I first had the rsc file uploaded to my byond files but it wasn't being downloaded at all. I was suggested to host the file in a public folder on my dropbox which solved it. I'm not sure exactly why it wouldn't download the file from my byond files.
Are you sure the file was set to be accessible? If it's set to hidden or something of that nature it won't be downloadable by the outside world.
Yes, it was visible. I'll mess around with it to see if I can get it to work.