
var/prompt_title = "Character Creation"
var/help_text = "What shall you be named?"
var/default_value = "[src.key]"

help_text="What race do you wish to be?"
var/char_race=input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) in races

Problem description:
Okay so I am making a Dragonball Roleplaying game, but that's beside the point. I have starting stats coded for four races so far. But I can't seem to grasp how to make it possible to play these races. That is my log in code so far. If anyone has revisions that need to be made or a whole new coding system... PLEASE HELP

This is really the beggining of your game?..... i suggest you start out with the ZJH tutorials, then move on to combining the RPG Starter with those, and learn about ||, &&, if, and elseif. Then you can look through the byond guide and different Byond resources which can be searched for in the top bar.