var/savefile/F = new("Playersnew/[src.key]/[src.key](3).sav") // creates the save file
src.savefile3=1 // just makes sure you are still in slot 3
Write(F) // writes your location
var/savefile/F = new("Playersnew/[src.key]/[src.key](3).sav") // creates the save file
src.savefile3=1 // just makes sure you are still in slot 3
src.Write(F) // writes your location
Problem description:
Whats the difference between src.Write(F) and Write(F), testing both seemed to work the same but im expecting using Write(F) on its own generates less loading errors?
Write() is a proc of /datum. Because it's an object procedure, it generally has to be called on an object.
When you write an undefined symbol in your code, such as "icon", before deciding it's an error, Dream Maker checks if the source object has a property named like that, and if so, it pretends that you've explicitly tried to access it. This is Dream Maker's known "src autocompletion" feature. It works no differently with the Read() and Write() procs.
By the way, since calling Write() directly is quite bugged at the moment, you should do a full instance save using the savefile operators instead.