Come on guys! We gotta get Top 10. If you read this post it only costs 15$ a year to be a member. Add this site to your favorites. We need the votes. The big ass update comes when we get in the top 10 so start registering!
That only works if you're Elation, I'm afraid.
Bahahaha? Jermman, you're dumb.

FR is alot better than alot of the games that are on the top ten. As a matter of fact, it is only overlooked because of the name, and because of the fact that it is DBZ.
It fails.
Zeta rip.
Aye. It blows.
What Mysame, Airjoe, and Jermman said.
Fuck that.

Did the owner say, "If you can get this game to rank 10, I'll start updating"?
Bahahaha? Jermman, you're dumb.

FR is alot better than alot of the games that are on the top ten. As a matter of fact, it is only overlooked because of the name, and because of the fact that it is DBZ.

What kind of drugs are you taking?? Some half-assed, poorly coded, piece of shit game that gives DBZ games a bad name. I can't believe you said that, although i looked on the HUB recently and saw your name on the GM list. Don't be afraid to talk shit about a game you're staff on, it's normal, and you know it sucks.
I wouldn't talk shit about the game if I wasn't staff. It is a good game.
No, it isnt. It's just like every other dragonball game.
Hey Colton, You May not know me but i know you from your naruto game.. i've always wanted to meet you in the game and also i cant because tacoon keeps ip banning me for no reason becuz he dosent like me and im always apoligizing teling him sorry for whatever i did and he still is keylog banning me and ip abnning me and all i wanna do is have fun in this game and i like your game alot...